Reporting a scientific event -solely based on interpreting Qur'anic verses- ahead of its mere occurrence is a matter of vital importance. Man has ever dreamed to achieve two major desires; the same ones used by Satan to allure Adam "O Adam! shall I lead thee to the Tree of Eternity and to a kingship that never decays?" (20:120). Satan also said "I will mislead them, and I will create in them false desires; I will order them to have (in abundance) the animals' ears cut (from the origin), and I will order them to change Allah's creation" (4:119). It is speculated that these "false desires" are the same two offered to Adam. To achieve eternity, man needs an ample supply of spare organs for transplantation. Driven by shortage in human organs, the use of genetically engineered pigs as a universal organ donor for human xenotransplantation has been thoroughly investigated. A major step has been recently achieved through the production of heterozygous piglets with knockout of ل -l,3-galactosyl-transferase (GGTAl) gene, being responsible for formation of the xenoantigen Galalpha(1,3)Gal epitopes implicated in hyperacute xenograft rejection. One of these piglets has small earflaps with no patent ear canal. Speculating on its pathogenesis, the author suggests that the homozygous knockout pigs -to be used later in clinical xenotransplanation- will have no ear pinnae, in accordance with the verse "to have (in abundance)the animals' ear cut (from the origin)". To achieve unending kingship, enhancement genetic engineering or eugenics will be applied to improve human characteristics, i.e. "to change Allah's creation". Of course, no claim can be made that these implications are absolutely correct. However, applying the rules for interpretations, this view holds seemingly tenable. Proved to be correct later on, it would restrain any claims about bias in interpretation and stand as a clear-cut evidence for authentic Divine origin of the Holy Qur'an.