Islam and Medical Ethics
Transformation, from the Fiqh point of view, is defined as “changing the nature of the defiled or
forbidden substance to produce a different substance in name, properties and characteristics.”
Islamic Approach to Medicine
In a world changing as rapidly as ours, where concepts of harsh materialism leaked into the souls of humans, this article may be a work greatly required by all sectors of the Umma, particularly the health providers.
In a world changing as rapidly as ours, where concepts of harsh materialism leaked into the souls of humans, this article may be a work greatly required by all sectors of the Umma, particularly the health providers.
Ethics of the Medical Profession from the Islamic Viewpoint
The medical profession has been characterized since its dawn in history by the tremendous responsibilities its practitioners shoulder: extensive knowledge, proper morals, performance dedication, self-denial, and mercy towards all people without discrimination.
The medical profession has been characterized since its dawn in history by the tremendous responsibilities its practitioners shoulder: extensive knowledge, proper morals, performance dedication, self-denial, and mercy towards all people without discrimination.
Responsibility of doctors as viewed by Jurists
Responsibilities vary in importance and gravity according to impacts and results. It is indisputable that the responsibility shouldered by doctors is considered the greatest,
Responsibilities vary in importance and gravity according to impacts and results. It is indisputable that the responsibility shouldered by doctors is considered the greatest,
Islamic Code of Medical Ethics
Current progress in medical and life sciences has acquired revolutionary features and heralds breath taking developments in medical technology and human engineering.
Current progress in medical and life sciences has acquired revolutionary features and heralds breath taking developments in medical technology and human engineering.
Medical Examination of the other sex
Since the early battles of the muslim army under the leadership of prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) the medical corps consisted of a group of muslim ladies with special training in therapy and nursing.
Since the early battles of the muslim army under the leadership of prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) the medical corps consisted of a group of muslim ladies with special training in therapy and nursing.
Contemporary Issues in the Practice of Islamic Medicine
Nearly all Muslim medical schools have a Western medical education curriculum in which there is emphasis on the technology of the science of medicine.
Nearly all Muslim medical schools have a Western medical education curriculum in which there is emphasis on the technology of the science of medicine.
Character of the Physician
The physician should be amongst those who believe in God, fulfill His rights, are aware of His greatness. obedient to His orders, refraining from his prohibitions, and observing Him in secret and in public.
The physician should be amongst those who believe in God, fulfill His rights, are aware of His greatness. obedient to His orders, refraining from his prohibitions, and observing Him in secret and in public.
The Role of a Muslim Doctor
Humans crave for “Perfect Health”. They know that they can never attain this state of perfection because they cannot conceive what is “perfect”.
Humans crave for “Perfect Health”. They know that they can never attain this state of perfection because they cannot conceive what is “perfect”.
Islamic Code of Medical Professional Ethics
Medicine was defined by Muslim physicians such as Al-Razi (841)-926 A.D.) and Ibn Sina (Avicenna, 980-1036 A.D.) as the art concerned with the preservation of good health, combating of disease,
Medicine was defined by Muslim physicians such as Al-Razi (841)-926 A.D.) and Ibn Sina (Avicenna, 980-1036 A.D.) as the art concerned with the preservation of good health, combating of disease,
Health Care Ethics
The physician-patient is based on brotherhood. The physician must maintain the highest standards of justice.
The physician-patient is based on brotherhood. The physician must maintain the highest standards of justice.
Ethico Legal Issues on Clinical Research in Humans
The Islamic ethical theory on research is based on the 5 purposes of the Law, maqasid al shari’at,under which define the 5 necessities, dharurat, under which human experimentation is allowed
The Islamic ethical theory on research is based on the 5 purposes of the Law, maqasid al shari’at,under which define the 5 necessities, dharurat, under which human experimentation is allowed
Theoretical Background (Ethical Theory)
Ethics have been part of medicine from the beginning. Some statements in the Hippocratic oath deal with professional medical ethics. Ibn Sina wrote about ethics.
Ethics have been part of medicine from the beginning. Some statements in the Hippocratic oath deal with professional medical ethics. Ibn Sina wrote about ethics.
Principle of Automy
An autonomous person makes autonomous decisions. Autonomy is the opposite of authority. It is a restricted area about a person in which he has full capacity to make and carry out autonomous decisions.
An autonomous person makes autonomous decisions. Autonomy is the opposite of authority. It is a restricted area about a person in which he has full capacity to make and carry out autonomous decisions.
Resarch Practice and Policy
A big institution undertaking several research projects should have its own committee on medical research ethics. Smaller institutions can use a committee in the region serving several institutions.
A big institution undertaking several research projects should have its own committee on medical research ethics. Smaller institutions can use a committee in the region serving several institutions.
Ethical and Legal Basis of Medicine: Use of Animals in Research
Animals are an important component of human civilization and are discussed at length in various Qur’anic verses. Animals are communities like human communities, umam mithlakum (p. 383 6:38).
Animals are an important component of human civilization and are discussed at length in various Qur’anic verses. Animals are communities like human communities, umam mithlakum (p. 383 6:38).
Ethical and Legal Basis of Medicine
Experiments on humans are as old as history. Early humans experimented with several plants and by trial and error found some to be useful as medicines and others to be poisonous.
Experiments on humans are as old as history. Early humans experimented with several plants and by trial and error found some to be useful as medicines and others to be poisonous.