Islam is a religion for both the individuals and the communities (including that of the whole world).
The teachings of Islam do not separate religion from human affairs.
Politics, economics, law, and all other aspects of human
affairs are integrated into one system of worship to Allah.
Dying and Death
Islam teaches that all humans are born sinless. We are only responsible for the sins we commit intentionally. Recognizing our human nature, Allah the Most Merciful, accepts our sincere repentance and forgives our sins.
Islam teaches that all humans are born sinless. We are only responsible for the sins we commit intentionally. Recognizing our human nature, Allah the Most Merciful, accepts our sincere repentance and forgives our sins.
End of Life Ethical Issues and Islamic Views
Due to advancement and innovations in biotechnologies lunch genetic screening applications of stem cell in medicine and sophioticated life- support technologies, many bioethical challenges have been raised.
Due to advancement and innovations in biotechnologies lunch genetic screening applications of stem cell in medicine and sophioticated life- support technologies, many bioethical challenges have been raised.
Euthanasia: Ethic-Legal Issues
Euthanasia is Greek for good death which translates into English as easy death or mercy killing. It was accepted by the ancient Greeks and Romans.
Euthanasia is Greek for good death which translates into English as easy death or mercy killing. It was accepted by the ancient Greeks and Romans.
Brain Death in Islamic Jurisprudence
Traditionally Islamic jurisprudence defines death as complete cessation of the heart or respiration. However, a further dimension has been added to this formulation of death in view of the modern medical technology
Traditionally Islamic jurisprudence defines death as complete cessation of the heart or respiration. However, a further dimension has been added to this formulation of death in view of the modern medical technology
Islam’s Stance on Euthanasia
Euthanasia or Mercy Killing is the act or practice of ending the life of an individual suffering from a terminal illness or an incurable condition, through lethal injection or the suspension of extraordinary medical treatment.
Euthanasia or Mercy Killing is the act or practice of ending the life of an individual suffering from a terminal illness or an incurable condition, through lethal injection or the suspension of extraordinary medical treatment.
Patient’s right to die!
“How fortunate you are that you died while you were not afflicted with illness.” Thus said the Prophet addressing the person whose funeral rites he was performing.
“How fortunate you are that you died while you were not afflicted with illness.” Thus said the Prophet addressing the person whose funeral rites he was performing.
Right to Die?
To be sure, good health is God’s blessing for which a Muslim, whenever asked: “How are you (lit. “How is your health?”)?”, must respond: “All praise is due to God!”
To be sure, good health is God’s blessing for which a Muslim, whenever asked: “How are you (lit. “How is your health?”)?”, must respond: “All praise is due to God!”