The fever

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Islamic Medicine
Staff member
The Fever

The prophet Mohammed (PBUH) said about fever Verging the fever is from the heat of hell and therefore make it cool by water (Refer to Bukhari) when a man cursed fever the prophet (PBUH) said Don’t curse it because purifies thee iron from rust (Refer To Muslim) Now it became evident that when some body gets fever of high temperature which may reach 41 degrees centigrade lohich has been described by the prophet as heat of death as well. Therefore in addition to fever medicine cool water plays an important role in decreasing the course of heat. The fever stricken person may be put in cool water or to embrace him by cold water or ice so that to decrease the course of heat. The fever stricken person may be put in cool water or to embrace him by cold water or ice so that to decrease the course of the fever and restore the normal temperature of the body. Therefore when fever infects the prophet Mohammed he used to ask for a skin of water to pour it on his body. When the normal temperature of the body is restored it gets better chance to light the viruses and germs. The effect of the fever on body is that although it makes it suffer from high temperature but it a citrates the defense system of the body After severe fever the body may release a lot of sweat mucus other fluids which contain the destroyed alive germs with it. Hence the fever acquired apuifying nature. It makes the acquired commune system more alert. Therefore we touch the significance of the prophets saying we ealise that it is really divide saying. Source EL Ijaz ELIlmi File Islam Wall Sunnier EL Nabawaya By Mohammed kamil Abdel Samad
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