Evident miracles of the Holy Quran

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Islamic Medicine
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Miracles in the language of the Holy Quran

Miracle No. 1

At the time when the Holy Quran was revealed, Arabic writings and poetry were confined to the then Arabic environments, culture, customs, and history. Thus, the majority of Arabic literature contained descriptions of praises of such topics as camels, horses, women, tribal chiefs, tribal wars, and tribal histories etc. The Holy Quran, however, does not describe anything that may reflect the then Arab environment, culture, history etc. Moreover, the Holy Quran uses its own specific words and terms to describe things or events. Most of these terms were unknown to the then contemporary writers, e.g. the Holy Quran uses the term 'Surah' for its chapter, and 'ayat' for its verse, whereas early Arabic books used the term 'Qasidah' for the chapter and 'Bait' for the verse.

Miracle No. 2

The Arabic poetry and prose, while describing an object or event, often goes into such exaggerations that they usually obscure the facts. This is an inherent tendency in the arabic language. The language of the Holy Quran however, never exaggerates anything. In fact the Holy Quran is most unique in the sense that it does not follow the normal tone and the inherent tendency of the Arabic language.

Miracle No. 3

In all poems and poetic writings it is a fact that a few of the phrases or verses excel the others in choice of word or phrases. The Holy Quran is mostly revealed in poetic language, yet all or its verses and chaptersare uniformally eloquent, beautiful, and impressive. It is not humanly possible to write a book of 6,666 verses with such superbly sublime diction, and absolute command of language.

Miracle no. 4

If a certain concept or event in a book is mentioned repeatedly, the language usually becomes unimpressive and monotonous, and also loses its beauty.

It is a unique quality of the Holy Quran that it describes numerous concepts and events repeatedly, yet the language maintains its beauty. Topics such as: Oneness of Allah (swt), prophethood of Muhammad (saw), Day of Judgement, attributes of the believers, Salat, and charity are a few of the much repeated subject matters of The Holy Quran. One, however, cannot observe the least monotony of words or phrases in the description of these subjects. Infact, each and every description ot these topics is unique and specific in its choice of words and the beauty of the language.

Miracle No. 5

Most of the topics discussed in the Holy Quran relate to such subjects as: belief, ethics, prayers , personal conduct, social obligations, and legal matters etc. No human being has composed a book of poetry on such topics. The Holy Quran, however, discusses such topics in a poetic language which has a specific rhythm, beauty, and style.

Miracle no. 6

A human writer usually has the command of knowledge of a certain specific subject, or a few related subjects, e.g. one can write on the subject of history, or economics, or philosophy, or physics or ethics etc. It is not possible for a human being to write simultaneously on a large variety of different subjects with an equal command of language and depth of knowledge. Even a casual reader can find that Holy Quran discusses an array of subjects such as history, philosophy, economics, beliefs, social laws, and science etc. with equal command of the language and depth of knowledge. Furthermore, whatever the Holy Quran has stated in a certain field of knowledge has always been proven to be the eternal truth. No human being has written such a comprehensive book with such absolute perfection and certainty of knowledge.

Miracle No. 7

Every human book represents the knowledge that was avaliable to the writer at a certain time and place. Human knowledge however, keeps advancing. As a result, every human book, after some time becomes obsolete. The knowledge in a book, after the passage of time, is found to be either false or incomplete. Books by human authors thus need to be revised of rewritten after a period of time. The Holy Quran was given to mankind through Muhammad (saw) more than 1,400 years ago. Since that time, human knowledge has gone through countless changes and advancements. It is, however, a fact that not a single word, phrase, sentence,or topic in the Holy Quran needs to be revised or rewritten. Furthermore, the Holy Quran also discusses the finest mysteries of nature and man. Not a single disrepency has been found in the statements of the Holy Quran with the continuous advancements of science and technology during the past 1,400 years.

Miracle no. 8

An effective writer always modifies his style and language according to the varying needs of the readers. What may appeal to a young person may not appeal to an old person. Similarly what may appeal to an illeterate person, may not appeal to an educated person. Moreover human society also has persons with different levels of knowledge and intelligence. All of these persons are motivated by different styles of writing. Furthermore every human being passes through various phases of emotional changes e.g., a person who is happy likes to read something different from the person who is depressed. At the same time every human being has a certain preference for thestyle of writing. A few prefer to read poetry, others prefer to read prose, a few others like to read simple language, a few others like an eloquent style of writing. No one has ever written a book that could appeal, motivate, and inspire all sectors, age groups, education levels, and emotional states of human society. The Holy Quran is the only book that has universally met the needs of all varying sectors and factors of human society.
This unparalleled ability of the Holy Quran to address a multitude of persons, to penetrate their inner most souls, and to give them comfort and peace is one of the outstanding miracles of the language of the Holy Quran.

Miracle No. 9

If a human author keeps writing for years and years, he passes through a gradual change in his writing style and also in his views and thoughts. Thus, not only the language, but the philosophy and opinion of a writer usually change with the passage of time. The Holy Quran was gradually revealed to Muhammad(saw) during a period of about 23 years. If Muhammad(saw) had been the writer of the Holy Quran, one could certainly find some difference in the earlier and later writings of the book, and also some changes and discrepancies in views and thoughts expressed over time. The fact, however, is that no change is observed in the language of earlier and later revealed verses of the Holy Quran. Moreover, no change is found in the message and philosophy of the earlier and later revealed verses of the Holy Quran.

Miracle No. 10

A human writer is mostly affected by the changing conditions of his environment, which in turn affect his emotions and feelings. These are inevitably reflected in the style and tone of his writing. This all the more true of the poets because poetry always reflects the mood and emotions of the writer. Given the fact that the Holy Quran is written in a poetic language, it is important to note that Muhamad(saw), during his 23 years of Prophethood, went through numerous periods of personal trials and triumphs. He went through a period of severe hardship in the 7th year of his Prophethood. He, and all of his relatives were expelled from Makkah, and deprived of all the basic necessities of life for three long years. In contrast in the 8th year of Hijra, he enjoyed a glorious triumph- when he entered Makkah as the head of an army of 10,000 believers and gratiously accepted the total surrender of the Makkans. Had Muhammad(saw) been the writer of the Holy Quran, its language would have reflected his personal emotions under various sets of environments. The fact, however, is that the Holy Quran does not exhibit any change in its style or tone that may reflect the phases of struggle, hardship, and triumph that Muhammad(saw) experienced. The language in the Holy Quran remains steady in its own majesty far from being affected by any environmental ups and downs.

Miracle No. 11

Glory be to Allah, Who created in pairs all things that the earth produces, as well as, their own kind, and (other) things of which they have no Knowledge. (36:36)

.........The earth produces various minerals. Recent advancements in science have established that all minerals are composed of eithr positively or negatively charged sub atomic particles. The Holy Quran revealed this fact by stating that all things produced by the earth were created in pairs. In addition to minerals, even water that the earth produces is composed of opposite radicals.
The Holy Quran refers to things, also, that were unknown to mankind at the time of revelation, and that they also are created in pairs. These things 'unknown' may be explained by the discovery of bacteria. It is amazing to note that all bacteria are classified into only two broad classes known as gram positive or gram negative.

Miracle No. 12

It is We who send the fertilizing winds, then We send down the water from the sky, and then We give it to you to drink, you are not the one who hold the store of this wealth. (15:22)

Miracle No. 13

Does not man think that We (Allah) can not assemble his bones? Nay, We are able to put together in perfect order (even) the very tips of his fingers. (75:3-4)

...........It is now an established fact that each human being has his or her own unique fingerprint. The differences between finger prints of individuals is so specific and subtle that only experts with sophisticated instruments can identify them.

And this is also a sign for mankind, who are warned not to underestimate the powers and capabilities of Allah (swt), who can easily bring us back to life, on the Day of Judgement.
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